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Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Had to de-pink it a bit as it turns out it was a darker more purply shade back in the day. The lettering still to do but fleshed out nicely I think

Monday, April 21, 2014


Easter Monday so well into it! rear end, engine and airscoop nearly done.
Off to play some Magic card game now so maybe a tad more later.

and Matinee Idle on the radio too!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Just a bit on the nose! which could sum up the working week as well! lol. Been cataloguing Magic cards and havn't been keeping up the drawing, but Easter draws near so here's hoping the Begg gets lots of attention.

Tons of sales this week, hard to keep up with the wrapping actually but I guess that's really good! AND an original sold too! Plus 3 more calendars.. what can I say.. coff!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

McCully Begg FM5 started

s\Ive been asked to do Alan McCullys pink Begg FM5 from the day so after a scout around for pics Ive started this one.. wheels away first..

wait till you see the pink!

Achilles launched

finished the Achilles... well almost finished... just need to colour the air recognition banner on the B turret.. This shows it slightly pre WW2 actually!
1 sale already so thats cool...